The main responsibility is to ensure that regular club meetings are held during the year and support the Chairperson in the successful delivery of the meetings. 

Membership Forms:

  • Update membership form for adults and U14s, ensure all have access to the form.
  • Collate all membership forms, hold the compiled data and enable access to sensitive data for relevant committee members such as:
    • Email addresses
    • U18s
    • Next of Kin details

Committee Meetings & AGM:

  • Organise committee meetings in accordance with the chairperson. Generally, three meetings, one pre-season, one after Christmas and one near the end of the season
  • Agree on the Agenda for each meeting with the Chairperson
  • Send out agendas and minutes to the committee in advance of meetings
  • Take minutes at the Committee meetings and AGM
  • Organise the AGM at the end of the season, contact all members to advise of the AGM, send minutes of previous AGM and agenda 


  • England Hockey Affiliation needs to be completed before the end of November.

Central Document Storage & Emails

  • Manage the Oundle Hockey Club Gmail account
  • Manage the Dropbox account ensuring the correct permissions are set up and any old committee members are removed


The main responsibility is to ensure that the club finances are managed.


  • Prepare budget and projections
  • Review Bank Account signatories, and if necessary, remove access to outgoing members and give access to incoming.
    • Account signatories:
      • Chairperson
      • Secretary
      • Treasurer 
      • Team Captains (optional Committee to determine)

During the season

  • Provide timely information to the committee and members
  • Oversee or undertake the financial transactions of the club including:
    • Club bank account(s)
      • Pay approved expenditure 
        • approval via Committee approved Budget; or 
        • Committee approved extraordinary expenditure via vote
        • England Hockey Membership
        • Regional Memberships
        • Club Insurance (through England Hockey)
      • Collect all moneys due
        • Membership subs
        • Match fees
  • Record and report on the actual transactions

Post Season

  • Where the club requires an audit or review, ensure they are completed in time for financial reports to be presented to members at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Produce the annual report to members.

Protection of club funds and assets

It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to put in place processes and systems that ensure all the funds of the club are collected, protected, recorded and reported.

Process for Budget and approval

  • Treasurer to request forecasted expenditure from all committee members.
  • Treasurer to prepare draft budget using historical and forecasted estimate for presentation to Committee.
  • Committee to vote (Quorum: at least 2 of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and 50% of remaining Committee members).

End of Term

  • Give access to club accounting programme (Currently: Wave )
  • Give contact details for Club Accountants (Currently: Lisa Boyes,, Bulley Davey)
  • Give access to club Bank Account (Currently: Barclays Bank)
  • Hand over historical information.
  • Shadow for 2 months.

Other Duties that maybe need better allocation:

  • Club Website
  • Club insurance
  • Club accident reporting 



The Umpires Secretary is responsible for ensuring each Oundle Ladies team has an umpire for all fixtures. 

This involves:

  • Communicating with current umpires and confirming their availability for fixtures
  • Making contact with potential umpires and adding them to the umpire database 
  • Confirming umpires are available for fixtures 2 weeks prior to a match and advising them of any relevant changes 
  • Ensuring umpires have a match day contact (captains of each team)
  • Liaising with and providing assistance to other clubs in the league with regard to the provision of umpires
  • Developing umpires within the club by providing training opportunities


The Fixtures Secretary is responsible for coordinating and communicating fixtures.

This involves:

  • Confirming fixtures with the league
  • Dealing with match cancellations 
  • Handling any fixture queries throughout the season 
  • Confirming fixtures with opponents and umpires, two weeks before the game 
  • Providing visiting teams with start times, directions to the ground etc 
  • Confirming if visiting teams will require teas after matches
  • Providing home league match details to the League secretary to be published on Fixtures Live


The primary role of the Welfare Officer is to implement England Hockey’s standards for keeping all under 18 year olds safe whilst participating in hockey. The minimum standards are called ‘Call to Action’. The full details of this can be found on this link Click Here 

On a practical level I am responsible for ensuring that all relevant members of the club have up to date Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and have completed Safeguarding training. I am also the first point of contact if there are any complaints or issues regarding safeguarding within the club.

My contact for any DBS related queries is Stuart Thomas  – 01628 897516 

Other contacts regarding Welfare and Safeguarding at England Hockey are:  – 01628 897500 for reporting concerns – 01628 897545 for general safeguarding enquiries

As part of my role I have had to attend a Safeguarding and Protecting Children course and a Time to Listen course. These have to be renewed every 3 years. These are arranged through England Hockey – contact – Development Administrator 01509 228676 or 07545 438129

An additional responsibility is to grant permission for individuals to take photographs at matches in accordance with club guidelines. The Welfare Officers contact details must be accessible to all members of the club.


The aim of this role is to provide hockey for U14s in the club, to develop their hockey in a fun and safe environment, whilst turning a profit to ensure the financial security of the club.


  • Use historical email contact lists to approach parents to see if their children are interested in playing hockey in the club again.
  • Organise advertising for the juniors coaching in print, social media and online. Budget to be agreed with Treasurer.
  • Build relationships with local schools. Aim for 2019/20 is to run an after-school course at Oundle Primary, to encourage kids to try hockey, and then use their contact details to try to recruit them to the club run courses. 
    • Organise a coach to run this after school course. 
    • Agree a budget with treasurer for running this course. 
  • Distribute membership forms and organise collection of these along with course fees by the relevant deadlines.
  • Forward membership forms to club secretary and subs to club bank account. Liaising with Treasurer to confirm who has paid directly by BACS etc.

Course Structure

  • Design a course structure for each year. This is currently based on 3 courses per year, one each school term, with 10 coaching sessions per course. There is a 1 week break in the middle of the courses, usually over state school half term, but this is something we are looking into maybe changing after 2019/20. Coaching runs for 1 hour, from 6;15pm-7:15pm. 
  • Organise which coaches are available for each course and ask for their availability. 
  • Make sure to have a good number of club volunteers organised to assist the coaches, and to step in to cover them from time to time. 

Juniors’ Spreadsheet

  • The juniors’ spreadsheet has 2 main functions. The first acts as a membership tab, where you can see who has signed up to which courses, if they have paid or not, if we have their membership forms. It also shows their age, their parents name and contact details. The second tab acts as a register for coaching sessions.
  • Create a new register for each course, and before the course, split the kids into age groups. This can mostly be done based on where the kids were previously, but the basic idea is:
    • Group 4 – 6-8 years old
    • Group 3 – 8-10 years old
    • Group 2 – 10-11 years old
    • Group 1 – 11-13 years old
  • Keep track of who has not paid and chase up ASAP.

Pre Coaching Each Week

  • Update the register based on the previous week’s attendance
  • Amend any changes that occurred (ie a parent wanted their kid to change groups / someone brought a friend that you didn’t have on the list previously).
  • Double check that you have enough coaches and assistants, and recruit more as necessary. This is the key to the whole process running smoothly. 

During Coaching Sessions

  • Aim to get to the Astro for 17:45 to get kit out of the club locker. Organise for coaches to help with this. 
  • Kids will arrive from 18:00. Ensure that the assistants are organised to cover for the coaches that may not yet have arrived. Don’t let kids stand around, make sure a coach or assistant is with each of the 4 groups to warm the kids up / run around with them. 
  • Liaise with parents as they drop their children off. Some are incredibly relaxed; others will always want to tell you something. 
  • NB – The first session of each course is a nightmare at the start as half of the kids or parents hand you a cash payment as you are trying to register them. Good idea to have an assistant with you as a one off to keep track of who the cash is coming from as you register the children in.
  • While coaching is taking place spend time talking to the parents
    • Are their kids enjoying it? Are they in the right group?
    • Do some focus group work…does this time on a Tuesday suit you? What could we be providing that would be better?
    • Be available should a coach need help with an injured player
  • Liaise with coaches after sessions to see if any children should be moved around in the groups. 

Committee Meetings & AGM:

  • Attend 3-4 committee meetings per year.
  • Report on any issues / changes you want to make to the junior’s side of the club
  • Thank coaches / assistants. 
  • Give a review of the season at the AGM


The main responsibility is to ensure that the women’s team have everything in place to enable the team to train and play league hockey.

Membership Forms & Subs

  • Distribute membership forms/send the link to the membership form to players and organise collection of these along with subs payments by the relevant deadlines.


  • Liaise with the coach re training sessions. When they will take place and cover any topics that may like to be focused on. 
  • Inform treasurer / committee when training is cancelled, so that the club does not overpay for pitch hire.


  • Upload all fixtures to the Heja app at the start of the season – including location and times. This enables a clear view of availability for each game in the preceding weeks. 
  • Liaise with Umpire and Fixtures secretary about confirming matches. Umpire/Fixtures secretary will keep you up to date with details and will also email the opposition before match day.
  • Organise meet time and travel arrangements for team on match days in the WhatsApp group
  • Post team for each game in the women’s WhatsApp group at least 24 hours before the match. 
  • Lead and take responsibility for the team on match days. Appoint a responsible person if not in attendance.
  • Liaise with coach about line up/ substitutions/ tactics etc
  • Complete team sheet for our team on GMS prior to the match
  • When necessary, appoint someone to do pitch safety check where pitch may be frozen (when game cancelled- contact own team, travelling team, league (GMS), teas provider at earliest convenience)

Post Match

  • Result, cards, goal scorers etc must be updated on GMS as per the league requirements
  • Pay umpire if necessary
  • Collect match fees from all players. This is £10 for employed players or £5 for students or unemployed players. Players are exempt from match fees if you drive on away games. NB If you drive yourself without a passenger you still owe the full match fee
  • Take note of MoM and votes from each game
  • Wash kit – or nominate someone to do it for you!!
  • Keep up to date the captain’s spreadsheet. This records match fees received, results, scorer details, and MoM votes.
  • Keep a tally of how many games each player has played 

Committee Meetings & AGM:

  • Attend 3-4 committee meetings per year.
  • Report on any issues / changes you want to make to the women’s side of the club
  • Get trophies engraved prior to AGM. Receipt to treasurer if you want your money back!
  • Order medals for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place of each award. See previous years sent emails for info.
  • Give a review of the season at the AGM and award trophies to the following:
    • Players’ player – cumulative MoM votes
    • Player of the season – voted on by Captain, Vice Captain and Coach
    • Hatchers Cup – Services to club
    • Top Goal Scorer – most goals scored


The main responsibility is to ensure that the men’s team have everything in place to enable the team to train and play league hockey.

Membership Forms & Subs

  • Distribute membership forms and organise collection of these along with subs payments by the relevant deadlines.


  • Liaise with the coach re training sessions. When they will take place and cover any topics that may like to be focused on. 
  • Inform treasurer / committee when training is cancelled, so that the club does not overpay for pitch hire.


  • Set up an event on the men’s hockey Facebook group for each fixture. This enables a clear view of availability for each game in the preceding weeks. 
  • Update MRHA website with fixture information at beginning of the season. Must be done before season starts. Start time and venue for all home games.
  • Email opposition captain a week before the game to confirm timings, directions, umpires, and numbers for teas. 
  • Organise meet time and travel arrangements for team on match days. 
  • Post team for each game in the men’s WhatsApp group at least 24 hours before the match. 
  • Complete match sheet for our team
  • Initiate three cheers after a game.

Post Match

  • If at home, result must be immediately sent in via text to MRHA. Number to text for 2019/20 is 07860 020620. Message is in format “MRHA 71064L 1 0”, where 1 0 would represent a 1-0 home win for Oundle. Change the final two numbers as necessary.
  • Make sure match sheets are completed (scorers / cards / signed by both umpires and captains) and send to the divisional secretary by 5pm on the Tuesday following the game. 
  • Collect match fees from all players. This is £10 per player apart from those exempt (coach / kit man / if you drive on away games. NB If you drive yourself without a passenger you still owe the £10.)
  • Take note of MoM and DoD votes from each game
  • Keep up to date the captain’s spreadsheet. This records match fees received, results, scorer details, MoM votes and DoD votes. 
  • Transfer match fees to the main hockey club bank account, keeping the treasurer informed of your payments to it. They are currently paid twice a year; at Christmas and end of season.

Committee Meetings & AGM:

  • Attend 3-4 committee meetings per year.
  • Report on any issues / changes you want to make to the men’s side of the club
  • Get trophies engraved prior to AGM. Receipt to treasurer if you want your money back!
  • Give a review of the season at the AGM and award trophies to the following:
    • Players’ player – cumulative MoM votes
    • Player of the season – voted on by Captain, Vice Captain and Coach
    • Sawtry Cup – Services to club
    • Top Gun – most goals scored


The main responsibility is to ensure that the club holds social events for the players and parents within the club.

Main Events.

  • Every year we have two main events Christmas party and the end of year awards.
  • These both need to be organised for the club.
  • Both events are usually booked for the last home fixture or near to the last game of the year.

Other Events:

  • Throughout the year other events will need to be put on for players and parents in the club.

Mixed matches

  • The Aim is to have 2 Mixed matches within the club each year.

Other Information

  • To help With co-ordination between teams there is usually someone in each team to pass on the information to the relevant people attending events.

























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