Match Report:
Oundle 6 – 1 Beeston

After a disappointing result last week in which Oundle will feel aggrieved coming away with a 2-1 loss in Derby which saw them lose the opening game of the season twice on the bounce at the same venue. However it was time to go again in more familiar surroundings back at home, Pavilion Drive which was a fortress throughout last season with teams not relishing the visit or early start time.

Todays visitors came in the form of a very youthful Beeston 5th team who were on a high from their 2-0 home victory over newly promoted Melton 2s last week. The Beeston team was also well supported from the sidelines with a number of parents making the journey to Pavilion Drive. Oundle in comparison boasted a very experienced side, with utility man John ‘JB’ Brown making his millionth appearance throughout a playing career which has spanned many centuries. Oundle were however without Peter ‘Plays when he wants’ Allett and current top goalscorer Allan ‘Al’ Simpson.

With a rousing pre match speech from both coach and captain Oundle were fired up for what promised to be an exciting match. Vice Captain Adrian Millan however was nowhere to be found, as it turned out he had to return to his car to retrieve his shin pads. Oundle could take confidence from the knowledge that they had managed to do the double over these same opponents last year putting 5 past the opposition keeper on both occasions and keeping a clean sheet at home in the process.

With the team taking the field for the first home game of the season Oundle lined up with their famous 4-4-2 diamond formation. Oundle had pushback and again stayed with their tried and trusted method of passing into the midfield before launching an aerial over the top of their defence to the ever willing runners of Martin and Willow (Peter Wilson), this immediately caused problems for the Beeston back line who throughout the game seemed mostly unable to deal with the high ball. However this first attack came to naught.

The games early stages were not dominated by either team, both sides trying to retain possession, any attacks that were started were either quickly snuffed out by the opposition defence or passes not finding their intended target. Once Beeston had settled and found their feet their wingers started to cause some problems for the Oundle full backs, despite some good defending from the Oundle defensive unit it was only a matter of time before Beeston found a foot in Oundles D for the first short corner of the game. This was well defended by Oundle however and the result was a 16.

Seeing that a short corner looked like fun for the attackers, Oundle decided it was time they win one of their own and that is just what they did after some good play from the attackers found a Beeston foot for Oundles first short corner of the game. Both castles were loaded, with new player Tristan Ashby on the left castle and Adrian Millan on the right. Phil ‘I Get All The Assists’ Wilson on the injection spot. The push out was stopped on the left hand castle by Dan Phillips before being smashed home to the Beeston keepers right hand side by Tristan Ashby, the loss of captaincy giving him the anger for the venomous strike.

The goal changed the game with Oundle starting to look the much better team of the two. Some brilliant tricky play by Martin allowed him to play a pass across the face of the goal to find Pickstone, who came charging into the Beeston D like a South African flying rhino. With just the keeper to beat and the majority of the goal to aim at, Pickstone fluffed his lines and shot wide. The play leading to the shot however was a sign of things to come with Oundle stepping up across the pitch to put pressure on the Beeston players who were unable to cope. A brilliant defensive tackle on the edge of his own D by Jimmy Moore left him with some space to drive into, he decided that now was the perfect time to go on an adventure and proceeded to beat no less than 4 Beeston players before playing a defence splitting pass to find Ellis up front who was left 1 on 1 with the Beeston keeper. Under pressure Ellis was only able to find the side netting with his shot.

With Oundle pushing higher up it was the turn of Beeston to throw an aerial which looped over the heads of the Oundle centre backs. Fortunately Youngy was on hand at the edge of the D to do something very weird for an Oundle player, and clear the ball left to find an open Dan Phillips. Jimmy Moore was quoted as saying ‘Youngy that is the best thing I have ever seen you do’

The whistle was blown for half time with the score at Oundle 1 – 0 Beeston with Oundle having had the better of the play and could possibly have been 3 or 4 nil up with some better luck. It was the turn of Peter ‘Coach’ Ellis to take the half time team talk, apart from his standard motivational techniques he appeared to want blood and at least 3 or 4 more goals in this half.

The 2nd half started with Beeston to start, it appeared they must have received a stern talking to from their coach at half time as they started quickly and when they lost the ball were quick to put the Oundle players under pressure in their attempts to get it back. Some of these attempts ended with stick tackles which broke the game up, not allowing Beeston to get any momentum.

It was not long though before George found himself with the ball on the edge of the Beeston D, cleverly mis hitting his shot so that it managed to bobble and hold up nutmegging the Beeston keeper doubling Oundles advantage. Oundle were in the ascendancy and it was not long before some clever play on the right resulted with Martin receiving the ball at the top of the D, Martin then proceeded to unleash a reverse shot which flew top bins leaving the Beeston keeper rooted to the floor unable to react before the ball was making the back of the net bulge.

After this Beeston heads dropped and it was not long before the Oundle umpires had had enough of the persistent fouling before the first green card was shown to one of the Beeston central midfielders. Some overzealous appealing for a short corner from one of the Beeston older heads resulted in nothing more than being told to ‘Zip It’ by Umpire Gareth who was not impressed by the appeal. The fouls began to mount up grating on some of the Oundle players nerves and it was not long before Willow in addition to his explosive running added an explosive outburst at the umpire. This swiftly earned him a green card for dissent.

The green card didn’t stop Oundle though, and Phil Wilson, who decided that since he gets all the assists, that it should be his turn to get on the scoresheet. Which he promptly did, finishing smartly from close range. Oundle again scored quickly after this, with some confusion after the whistle was blown. The result was an Oundle foul which was taken very quickly by Phil R to find Martin far behind the Beeston defence, he made no mistake to complete his hat trick giving the Beeston keeper no chance. After some discussion between the umpires with Beeston unhappy with the decision it was decided after short deliberation that the goal stood.

Credit must go to Beeston that despite being 5 – 0 down they didn’t stop looking for a goal and were awarded with 2 penalty corners in quick succession. The first short corner leading to the 2nd, this was worked nicely between the Beeston players who played the ball across the face of goal and forced a smart stop from Youngy who had been nothing but a spectator in the 2nd half so far, diving quickly and low to his left to keep out the shot.

Oundle kept pushing all game and when the ball fell again to Pickstone inside the Beeston D he began his trademark big wind up for a hit, some say he’s still winding up now. Pickstones wind up however allowed one of the Beeston defenders to nick the ball and get his stick in the way of the shot, the result was a sound which was so loud it made the whole teams ears ring, the Beeston player was also forced off due to injury.

Oundles final goal came late on when a hopeful ball into the D was met by Rich C who made no mistake with his deflection. With the game entering its final minute and Oundle starting to look a little leggy it was the turn of Beeston to get a consolation goal with their striker who had been quiet all game mis hitting his shot into the ground bobbling the ball into the corner of Youngys goal just wide of the keepers stick. 

The final whistle was blown shortly after with Oundle 6-1 victors getting their campaign off the mark, briefly sitting top of the table on goal difference but now sitting 3rd after the weekend’s games have all been concluded. Brilliant performance from the lads which saw the coveted ‘Top Gun’ trophy change hands multiple times but currently sitting with George ‘Sometimes Phillips’ Martin.

Oundle go again next week against Loughborough Town 3s. HWTL.

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