January 28, 2024

Match Report:
Mansfield 1-0 Oundle

After an extended winter break due to the weather hockey was back and Oundle were once again on the road, this time to mid table side Mansfield. In the reverse fixture this season Mansfield ran out 2-1 winners after a tightly contested affair. This same fixture last season produced Oundles first clean sheet of the season in a 1-0 win. In a bitter blow to Oundles survival hopes, Vice Captain Adrian Millan was ruled out for the rest of the season due to a broken thumb which was sustained in the previous game against Beeston. This week also saw the absence of two regulars, Captain Ben Edis who decided he fancied shooting animals instead of the Mansfield goal, and George Martin, who received a late call up by Schoffel for some last minute modelling work. The game began with an Oundle pushback and the upper hand went to Mansfield, pressure immediately came down the Oundle left, the first cross was poked away by Youngy only to fall to a Mansfield player who shot first time, with Youngy making the save before the clearance from the Oundle defence. After this early scare, and a spell of pressure from Mansfield Oundle settled into the game and were able to grab a foothold, some direct play down the right resulted in Mansfield winger receiving the first green card of the match and new player Brenners being able to work the space for a shot going narrowly wide. After this Oundle half chance, the game settled down, Mansfield began to come out on top, focusing their play down the wings they were unable to find the final ball, that was until a cross found a forward on the penalty spot who unleashed his shot towards goal forcing Youngy into a reaction save. Mansfield were also on top in the short corner department, winning a number of them, the first of these was a sweet shot that was heading for the bottom corner… that was until Ian on the left hand post disdainfully flicked the ball away and out for a long corner. Mansfield next short corner superbly stopped by Jimmy running No 1 in place of the injured vice captain. Mansfield broke out the tricky short corner routines for the next two but were unable to get past Youngy in goal and Jimmy from running No1. The half finished with neither side able to break the deadlock.  After the team talks and the sides had been switched the 2nd half began. The 2nd half started much like the first, with Mansfield applying the majority of the pressure with Oundle looking to hit them on the counter attack. Despite some good distribution from Ellis at centre back, the ball just wouldn’t stick up top, with Mansfield’s defence sniffing out danger quickly. It was a similar story for Mansfield as they were unable to breakthrough, in fact it took a retreating Willow, who was seeing out his defensive duties, to come the closest for the home team. Cutting out a cross, the ball deflected right on the Oundle goal and forced a smart reaction save from Youngy who was thankfully alert. It was ironically, as close as Willow has come to getting on the scoresheet this season. As the half wore on the home side did eventually manage to find the breakthrough, running in on goal, shooting on the reverse across goal finding the side netting past the reach of Youngy. The relief on Mansfield faces was palpable, relieved they had finally made the breakthrough and making their pressure tell. After the goal it was Oundles turn to bite back and win a couple of short corners themselves. Peter ‘Strong and Stable’ Allett going close with a strike that whistled past the left post, and Peter ‘Do you know who i am?’ Ellis forced a smart stop from the Mansfield keeper. With Oundle growing frustrated that manifested itself into a green card for P.Wilson (Phil). Who was green carded not once, but twice. Some trademark Jimmy runs from the back also were unlucky to result in naught for the visitors. With a man down and pushing for an equaliser it left Oundle more open at the back, with Mansfield winning the ball back deep in their own half they were able to break on the counter. It was a 3 on 1 situation, thankfully the 3 couldn’t beat the 1, putting the ball on Jimmys foot. The umpire originally deemed this as a short corner, but called the foot deliberate and showed Jimmy a yellow card for his trouble. Acting Captain Ellis was unhappy with this and immediately tried to make his point clear to the umpire. While this was going on, the far side umpire decided that it should be a P-flick instead! This further incensed Oundle especially Ellis and JB, with the latter calling the decision ‘a joke’ the Mansfield umpire heard this and was none too happy with JB. The person selected to take the Mansfield flick was none other, than their best player, and the person who usually causes the most headaches for the Oundle defence. Youngy and taker both looked calm as they had a chat and joke before the was to be taken. Both teams went to their respective huddles and Youngy slowly walked back to his line, nervous of the fact that he had never saved a P-Flick in the league before. Going 0-3 just this season. Youngy set himself, staring down the Mansfield player, the silence and tension on a knife edge before the whistle finally blew. A quick glance from the Mansfield player betrayed his intentions, and as soon as the ball was moving so was Youngy. Youngy reached out with his stick high into the top corner and was rewarded with the familiar sound of a hockey ball hitting a hockey stick. FOR HIS FIRST PENALTY SAVE EVER! Despite this the game was close to its end and it was not long before the full

Match Report:
Mansfield 1-0 Oundle
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Match Report:
Oundle 5 – 1 Towcester

Welcome to this weeks match report and what a corker of a game it was today for Oundle Ladies 2s. The theme and song this week is ‘Unstoppable’, as it captures the essence of the entire team but a few individuals absolutely deserve a mention for their performance today. After a frosty start to the day Oundle Ladies 2s faced Towcester 5s at home and the sun was shining for a glorious day of hockey. I want to put it out there that the club needs a new inter-club competition for the fastest goal scored from the first whistle as I think 2s Captain ‘Gaz-Ella’ Andrews is in with a strong shout of winning. ‘Gazelles are known as swift animals’ (Wikipedia, 2024), and my goodness this must be Ella’s spirit animal. The first whistle is blown, I’m still putting in my gum shield, and ‘Gaz-Ella’ (Gaz for short from now on) makes a dazzling play and scores in the first 17 seconds! Bravo! And what a start to the game! Towcester 5s had some skilful players themselves but they were over powered by our mids and forwards in particular today. As always, Helen Smith and Alex Duck made a formidable duo in the centre midfield but extra praise goes to Charlotte Webb and Caitlin Isaac this week. Without a doubt they worked their socks off for the team during the match. Charlotte demonstrated incredible speed today, running rings around the opposition quite literally. Charlotte and Tasha Darrington showed off an amazing 1-2-1 manoeuvre whereby Charlotte passed to Tasha before running the long way around the opposition down the wing, Tasha swiftly reverse stick passed it back to Charlotte who delivered it into the D. Absolutely beautiful hockey! Caitlin Isaac might look gentle and sweet but she is a force not to be messed with on the pitch. ‘Storm Caitlin’ as she will be known from now on, had all the strength on those 95mph winds last weekend! Where has this confidence come from? Because keep it coming! She made some great interceptions, moving the ball across the width of the pitch. And not backing down when confronted by the opposition. Caitlin and Charlotte win the prize for most ground covered in today’s game in my opinion. Back to some goal scoring! Gaz was determined to get a greater lead for the team today, and around 18 minutes into the first half, got her second goal. This was followed a few minutes later by a great strike from Helen Smith. Leaving us 3-0 in the lead at half time. The opposition had a few attempts on goal but the defence today worked hard to keep the ball out of our defensive D. Mrs Miyagi (Vicky Catt) was back on fine form as we’ve come to rely on. She is cool, calm and collected during the game, nothing seems to make her panic, including being closed in on by 4 of the opposition at once. She still won the ball and made a beautiful clear out from defence. Her hamstrings could rival those of Helen’s with her low blocks, strong side and on the reverse stick. Emily Burdett is following in her footsteps as she is another cool cucumber under pressure in defence. And Jude Robinson may well be the kindest player to ever grace to club, but don’t mistake her kindness for weakness as she is our secret weapon, an assassin in defence and not to be underestimated. Further goals came in the second half, a hat-trick for Gaz earning our Captain player of the match and the fifth goal from Oundle legend Tasha Darrington. Onward and upwards ladies, let’s hope the winning continues… ‘I’m unstoppableI’m a Porsche with no brakesI’m invincibleYeah, I win every single gameI’m so powerfulI don’t need batteries to playI’m so confidentYeah, I’m unstoppable today’

Match Report:
Oundle 5 – 1 Towcester
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